Monday 14 June 2010

Day out in a mountain before the rainy season started

Went to visit Mount Akagi (Gumma pref.) yesterday. On the way, I saw a beautiful wheat field. (this is wheat, isn't it???)

Had lunch in a famous local "soba" restaurant. It was packed! We waited about 20-30 minutes outside. Soba was delicious and tempura which came along was good, too. This place reminded me of a "tororo" restaurant in Shizuoka. Using an old Japanese house, serving only one kind of dish...

Tsutsuji season is almost finished in where I live, but in mountain, it's not the case. They have different kinds on mountain.
Many people in their 50s and 60s or even 70s? are taking pictures of them with big big nice camera. We were almost the only "young" people. (compared to them, at least...)

And beautiful marsh "Kakumanbuchi." It cooled down so much, it was about 15 degrees. Suddenly freezing!!!

Went to hot spring on the way back and had such a beautiful wonderful day in Gumma! Thank you so much for driving Nyao-chan!!!

Music from Armenia, Norway and Finland

My friend takes a part of local orchestra and she invited me to come to her concert that is held every 6 months.

They played;
-Aram Khachaturian - Walts from "Masquerade"
-Edvard Grieg - Piano Concerto in a-moll op. 16
-Jean Sibelius - Symphony No. 2 in D-dur op. 43

The 2nd one is very famous, strong start with solo piano, I liked the music.
I also liked the 1st one, too.

I think we should appreciate more of local music concerts. Some are free, we do not have to pay lots of money to enjoy music in daily life.

Tuesday 8 June 2010

super dry

Enjoyed a night with my friend and her husband @Asahi Super Dry Extra Cold bar.
Beer is served at -2.0 degrees, it was gooood and cold!!!

Sunday 6 June 2010

tour eiffel

I am back!

As a start, I am showing you earrings that I bought today that are so cute that I have to share with you. Yes, those are a pair. One is a globe, one is a tour eiffel!

A kind of thing I would like to buy for my friends... But couldn't think of anyone or for some, I have to check if their ears are pierced first.

How cute are they???